Calculator Community > [OTcalc] Z80-Hardware

[OTZ80] [Poll] What kind of physical navigation do you want?

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As the title says: Do you want a touch pad (with the usual arrow keys surrounding it), arrow keys, or arrow keys with a small, flat joystick in the center?
(I'm referring to the Nspire's Touchpad, see here for details:

Think about how useful it might be, the cost, and support in the OS for it.

Joystick ftw. Get a little slider like what the PSP has.

I'm down for just simple arrow keys :P Makes it nice and simple

DJ Omnimaga:
arrow keys.

ANything but the PSP 3000 joystick thing. I hated it :(

Simple arrow keys. Joysticks tend to gather a lot of dust and eventually break down and become inaccurate. Maybe what I am going to say next is BS but I think that software-technically, arrow keys are easier to handle (one key for each action) then a joystick (one stick for a wide range of actions). Also because I seem to recall we don't want a mouse interface (or was that just me?) arrow keys seem more practical.

Wrong me if you can :P but I am pretty sure about this one.

Also maybe the deadline should be advertised a little more so we can get a more representive overview of what the community want instead of what Builderboy,Alberhtrocks,Dj and matthias1992 (and netham, sorry I overlooked you ;)) want :P. I just intend to get a little more people on these polls so we satisfy a greater part of the community with the eventual product. Just my two cents


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