General Discussion > Anime and Manga

Your Anime/Manga List

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I figured it'd be nice to gather everyone's list of seen anime and read manga (or things you're reading/watching now or are planning to read/watch). You can post a link to your profile on a site that has the list or you can post a list here in the topic. Your choice.
I recommend Anime Planet for your list site if you don't have a list up yet.

I (or another mod) will update this post with all the links to everyone's lists. (Even if it's a link to a post made here.)

The List of Lists

* {AP} - Some Stats
* jbr - Some stats
* Genolo - Some stats
* Geekboy
* Art of Camelot - Some Stats
* DJ Omnimaga - Some Stats

Oh yeah, it's the power level thread! You beat me timewise, but not in number.
I'll just post my whole A-P sig:

Yeah, I've watched longer series.
Mostly because there was nothing better on. =(
(Pretty much every series over 100 eps I've watched on TV instead of online)

Also, omg... how'd I forget my favorite cute and deadly angel?! Dx
(Goes to add Dokuro-chan to the list.)

PS. Also added your profile to the list. I think I'll add a link to the sig next to it as well.


I don't add what i've seen on tv.

I figured it's still anime and it still took up bits of my life so it's worth including.
That's just me though.* {AP} shrugs.


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