General Discussion > Art
Not Going Overboard...
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I agree, TSOD looks very tiled.  I am very impressed with the way you put things together... Your mapper must be BOSS
DJ Omnimaga:
well making maps was easy because I made myself a small map editor. Basically all those tiles have a number ID ranging from 1 to 96 (due to some compatibility problem between OmnicaLC and xLIB sprite 0 didnt looked right) so I just have to make my 12x8 matrix made of sprite ID and xLIB will display it graphically and instantly. Of coursew in reuben there was some additional manipulation to do because I used a very old version of xLIB and I had two layer to display due to grayscale

making that kind of complex sprites is a pain tho :crazy:
Yeah, I know thats why I just try to keep it simple...
Our mappers are similar in a way.  Mine scans in a matrix size 1x40 and draws each line at incredible speeds.
I'm actually using pics for Aura, so I only need a simple string for collision detection. I don't have to store any tiles that aren't collision-able, cutting down mem, and since I use pics, I can have an unlimited variety of sprites of any size (rangin from 16x16 up to 64x64- or even bigger now that I will probably have pixel, or possibly nibbel-scrolling). Mdjenkins- you said that you could construct a whole world with 1000 sprites? Well, I am constructing more than one. Imagine being able to travel to countless worlds, all with different customs, quests, and completely different architecture. All battles will be animated- indeed, they will be real-time- so of course I will need up to a whole pic's worth (8 sprites) for each type of enemy. My main character sprites are 16x24, but of course monsters will vary in dimension.
DJ Omnimaga:
are you still thinking about adding that scrolling?
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