General Discussion > Art

Zelda 8X8

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looks like its from Ti-Boy :P

Well, a turn based zelda is always possible...I think a action version might be possible in basic (think kevin's metroid), but obviously not with full features.  If somebody wanted to do an asm version, I'd be willing to make a full map but only if I saw a tech demo to prove I wasn't wasting my time.

DJ Omnimaga:
wow looks really nice :)

An action Zelda in BASIC would need to have only one enemy at a time to be fast enough

Well, if you used simulated threads you could run the player code, then an enemy, player code, different enemy, etc until you loop back to the first enemy. The enemies would get slower with each additional item in the thread, so whether they would be fast enough is hard to know.  The player would stay the same speed no matter what happens in the other threads, so in a game like an rpg such objects could still do things without needing to be all that fast.

That's what I did way back when with my cat trap game on my calc.



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