Calculator Community > ASM

[z80 ASM] Setting up an assembly environement

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c1-->CODE ec1cd desktop
cd wabbit
assembler be.asm
wabbit be.bin be.8xpc2ec2
Batch code....not hard at all.

Yeah Im would like you to email me your setup Liazon and I will also try Spencer's Assembler just to see which one is the best

My Email:[email protected]

DJ Omnimaga:
yeah batch code is not hard at all, i just wanted to know if it was windows based or still dos based?

It assembles under DOS I am sure of, and it is written in C I think. I was able to assembly anything with it and with ease. I was never able to assembly ION under TASM and what not.

DJ Omnimaga:
aaah good, with TASM ppl kept asking help about the missing end at the end of file and all


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