Calculator Community > ASM

ASM Help/Tutorials

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What example programs are you looking for exactly? Do you just want to be able to compile the code he provides, or what? Try to be a little more specific.

Also, spend more than one day on a lesson that is proving to be difficult. You want to learn everything inside-out. Don't just gloss over anything. To be a good assembly programmer you really need to know the internals; you can't just fudge your way through because that will just add to your frustration.

I really recommend SPASM to you, that's your best bet for an assembler. TASM really doesn't cut it. I realize RevSoft crashed, so I contacted someone and retrieved a copy of the source. If you need a SPASM binary, or the source, then just PM me.

You could get by if you skipped Week 3, but I don't recommend it because it is good stuff to know.

I need a  SPASM download, but other than that, I'll try the tutorial one more time, and if that doesn't work, I'm gonna need a tutor. Maybe I could take a programming class online or something, because I also want to learn flash a bit.

z80 heaven was really helpful for me, and once I started understanding it, I was able to understand ASM in 28 days MUCH MUCH more. I just use TASM... but thats because I didn't know about SPASM :P

ill try that thanks


--- Quote from: trevmeister66 on May 26, 2009, 07:10:55 pm ---z80 heaven was really helpful for me, and once I started understanding it, I was able to understand ASM in 28 days MUCH MUCH more. I just use TASM... but thats because I didn't know about SPASM :P

--- End quote ---
I have to check the beginner tutorials...

ASM in 28 days was good to me. An hard bone but as soon you catch it, it starts to everything make sense.
I think it has parts that could be better explained and exemplified... (one in specific occurs into mind)


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