Calculator Community > ASM

8X+[SE] - universal snacks

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guiselect.z80 : Provides interaction with a simple 6x8p-text-based option selection GUI, using a custom cursor.
strdelz.z80 : Replaces the leading zeros of the specified character string in RAM by spaces.
val16tostrd.z80 : Converts a 16-bit value to a decimal character string, and writes it to RAM.


lcdsavebuf : LCD RAM reading algorithm fixed

Continued to improve documentation.



r8strbin.z80 : Converts an 8-bit value to a binary character string, and writes it to RAM.
r8strdec.z80 : Converts an 8-bit value to a decimal character string, and writes it to RAM.
r8strhex.z80 : Converts an 8-bit value to a hexadecimal character string, and writes it to RAM.


arcpagesa : faster and smaller
arcpagesb : faster and smaller
bootvera : more register-friendly
bootverb : more register-friendly
flashlocka : faster and smaller
flashlockb : faster and smaller
flashmanuf : faster and detects extended identification properly
flashunlocka : faster
flashunlockb : faster and more stack-friendly
guiselect : cursor more visible when moving
poweroff : faster
romwritex : smaller
sysvera : more register-friendly
sysverb : more register-friendly
val16tostrd : faster and now called r16strdec

Continued to improve documentation.



flashunlocka : now working properly on OS 2.21 & 2.22
flashunlockb : now working properly on OS 2.21 & 2.22
romwrite1 : fixed an unlikely case of false positive failure
romwritex : fixed an unlikely case of false positive failure
secterase : fixed an unlikely case of false positive failure

Continued to improve the documentation.


App variants of the following are now available :


They automatically handle the RAM code copy and execution, and only use the stack.


arcpages : faster and smaller
battcheck : prgm variant faster and smaller
cpirnc : smaller
flashunlock : non-destructive variant fixed
guiselect : disabled hardware interrupts now required
romwritex : faster and smaller

No longer using letter suffixes in variant names.
Continued to improve the documentation.



The following now use a register pair for the temporary RAM location, rather than a fixed address :

battcheck - prgm variant
flashmanuf - app variant
flashunlock - non-destructive variant
romsize - foolproof app variant
sectstate - app variant

The following now use an equate for the temporary RAM location, rather than a fixed address :

romwrite1 - app variant
romwritex - app variant
secterase - app variant



LCD routines : minor optimisation
arcpages : faster and smaller
keybscan : minor optimisation
lcdcfg : now called lcdmode

Continued to improve the documentation.


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