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Hey all, I'm having some trouble figuring out what all of the entries in the file are for (not the instructions, the layout itself). For example,  at the top of the file, it says "INSTR ARGS OP BYTES RULE CLASS SHIFT OR" as the layout of the instruction entries. What I would like to know is what the RULES mean (NOP, ZIX, R1, and ZBIT), the CLASS, SHIFT, and the OR.

Could anyone explain these to me?


When you download the file, take a look at "TASMTABS.HTM". It will describe everything you need to build a table file.

As far as rules go, the highlights are as follows:
R1 : Make the arg relative to PC (single byte)
ZBIT: Z80 Bit instructions
ZIDX: (also denoted as ZIX), Z80 Indexed instructions (i.e. ADC A,(IX+x) )
NOTOUCH or NOP : Do nothing to instruction or args

Many thanks Iambian :) That's exactly what I needed!


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