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Axe Q&A

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Sorry, i'm not clear.
What I mean, is actually not the modifying. so if I set "0000->str1, the next time its loaded, it should be again "0000 and not "1111 or so.
I hope this is more clear and not ambiguous (is that the right word here?)

EDIT: and, Deep Thought, I've tried that earlier, but that didnt work ???

EDIT2: nvm, understood it.

So you want the Data to always be the same when you start the program?  The best way to do that would be to never modify it in the first place.  If you need to modify it, you can copy() it to a SafeRam location such as L1 and work with it from there

Ah ok, I understand it, i'll try, thanks all!

Also note that if you are running from the homescreen, there are no issues and the data will always reset back to its default :)

Okay, here's a question (or two):

The Text( command seems to only draw whatever you want it to for one frame at which point the text seems to disappear. Is this just how Text( works or am I doing something wrong? So, if I wanted to output text that would stay there (the graph screen) until I used ClrDraw, how would I go about doing that? (Sprites would be really inefficient, mind you).

Also, what does it mean when I try to run my program after compiling and get ERR:INVALID? I have ample RAM left (>15000) and tons of archive (>100000) so I couldn't think it'd be a memory issue, but all the same it happened after I wrote a few everyday lines. An example of the format these lines were in is:
--- Code: ---:If A=0:If B=0:Text(1,1,"COOL"):End:End
--- End code ---
After commenting those lines out it worked fine again, but if I bring one back my sprites glitch up and more makes me get ERR:INVALIDs again. My game is rather huge, using like, 30 pictures, all the letter variables, and a bit of L1, so it makes me think it might have to do with free RAM or whatever? Mind you, it's not an Axe error but a TI error I'm getting, after trying to run the game.


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