Calculator Community > Axe

cross platform compatibility issue?


DJ Omnimaga:
I think there may be a compatibility issue between platforms and emulators with some Axe commands

--- Quote ---.SCRNSHOT
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---.SCRNVIEW
Unarchive Str1
Return!If GetCalc(Str1)->A
--- End quote ---

This fails on every calc ROM I tried on Wabbitemu, 83+, 83+SE and 84+ series. It also fails on my TI-Nspire OS 2.54MP. Garbage shows up when recalling the appvar content. However, it works perfectly on my real 83+ hardware.

I tried that exact program letter for letter and it worked on both emu and calc.  Are you sure you typed it correctly?  For instance, the lowercase v is not the same as the recursive v (the correct one) for the appvar string.

DJ Omnimaga:
Ok finally it was a false alert. More the result of RAM corruption or something. I simply resetted my Nspire RAM another time, recompiled the program and then it started working on other platforms.

Well... it at least DOES appear to work the way I want.


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