Calculator Community > Axe

DispGraph(r) and greyscale?

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Hooray!  Okay.  I just like making stuff work for the sake of making it work, like MirageOS and full screen pictures ;)

DJ Omnimaga:
That looks quite nice. I can't wait to see the other grayscale commands.

DJ Omnimaga:
I kinda like how that command works. I hope in future builds of Axe, that if you add a new GS command that you also keep this one too, since some ppl may want to be able to do stuff manually easier. At first i was confused how it worked, but i got it after trying it out.

Yeah, this one stays.  What the new grayscale commands will do is mainly for sprite and pixel routines.  Those routines will draw to one or both buffers at the same time so you can have grayscale sprites/draw grayscale pixels.

DJ Omnimaga:
great to hear!

And yes this will come very handy :)


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