Calculator Community > Axe

help with Ans


I would like to use my program in basic, and use some values from the BASIC program, but the easiest way to do that is in lists.
Now that is my problem: I can't read from lists in the Ans var in my Axe program, while it allways returns 0.
Here is the code I use:

--- Code: ---:.A00
:Disp {L6}>Dec
:Disp {L6+1}>Dec

--- End code ---
is there a way to use BASIC lists in Axe?

DJ Omnimaga:
Hi and nice to see you back. I was worried you decided to stop calculator programming completly since you kinda vanished for a month or two. D:

unfortunately Axe doesn't support reading from external TI-BASIC variables yet. Only Ans

ok, thanks for your reply

I've been doing other things last months, i moved for instance.
And now I returned, and I've also started playing around with hardware:

I just started remaking PIXIE, my sprite editor, in Axe, but I'm not very familiar with Axe right now, but that'll change in a very short time (I hope ;) )

DJ Omnimaga:
Aaah I see ^^

Well I hope you don't quit calculator programming forever. :)

well, not within the next few years I guess. And after my study I'm not sure to quit, although I'm sure I will be programming ownmade hardware more.


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