Calculator Community > Axe

MirageOs/Ion issue

<< < (2/5) > >>

Yes, I do use that flag.  That must be it.  Are there any flags that MOS doesn't use that I can steal?

I have no idea, but I will share where this knowledge came from:  There's a thread somewhere on UTI in which Iambian was dealing with the same issue in his Fishy game.  Someone brought this up and Iambian changed it.  You can see evidence of this in his source code, as it has an equate so he didn't have to change it all. ;)

I'm glad we found the glitch! ;D

Is the problem just a display issue or will it actually do something bad or anything if not fixed?

DJ Omnimaga:
Calc84maniac or BrandonW might actually know a lot about it.

As for now, I did not receive any crash resulting from the 65535 bytes thing. Also my game works perfectly under DoorCS6
* DJ Omnimaga hopes it remains this way in DCS7 D:

Nice bug catch guys! It's really weird how some of these things pop up with older programs. =D


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