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68k/z80 Le TI-Concours 2012 est lancé !

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Eh bien bonne chance tout le monde ^_^

Merci merci. :D
Sinon, je ne suis pas très bon en anglais, et même si c'est un concours français ça serait supercool qu'il y aît un article en anglais quelque part sur le forum histoire que ceux qui ne fréquentent jamais le forum francophone puissent prendre connaissance du TI-Concours (le principe de fonctionnement, etc.).
Ah oui et encore désolé pour l'état d'avancement du site internet... ;D

--- Quote from: Eiyeron on February 06, 2012, 01:38:53 pm ---Je peux mettre mon jeu que j'ai publié hier?

--- End quote ---

Alors euh pour être sûr que t'as compris le principe, on ne sait jamais :

--- Quote from: noelthebest on February 06, 2012, 09:54:55 am ---(deux tours de sujet imposé d'une semaine chacun 4 semaines pour présenter un projet personnel et le soumettre aux votes des visiteurs
--- End quote ---

Après, le projet personnel correspond à n'importe quel projet tu moment que c'est toi qui l'a fait et qu'il n'y a rien de violent, raciste, etc.

Stefan Bauwens:
Could someone translate this to English for me. Translator is not so good.

Super, je suis nouveau et j'ai hâte de commencer !

English translation (sorry for the eventual mistakes, but it should be better than a bot translator):

Lady and Gentelmen, the Ti-Contest 2012 has started :

The basic features of the contest are kept this year (two round on an imposed subject of one week each, and then 4 weeks to present a personal project), but there are also new features :
- Contest open to student who were born after 1986 (included), who participate in a separate category (except if the number of candidates is too low, but I hope it won't be)
- 2 new categories : Axe Parser and Ti-Basic 68k
- During the correction of personal project a alternate mark system will be used for utiliary programs
- The whole contest will take place during school periods (not on holiday), so that nobody will be disadvantaged (at least in France)
- A new website, including a new members section (more practical), but not finished yet :  (thanks to Matthias Refeyton for the background)

Unfortunately we had to deal with several problems before the beggining of the contest :

- As I just said, the website (members section and design) is not finished : however you can register and be validated, and everything shold be finished before the real start of the contest
- The jury won't be able to note programs on the website, so we will communicate by email, like the previous year
- We were so late that the prizes are not announced yet ! However, we should be able ton announce the prizes before the real start of the contest.

What we still have to do :
- bug if not validated (SQL error)
- menus not finished
- designed to be finsihed (menus transparency, etc...)
- banner
- members section
- bug on the register page : impossible to insert PHP script

After a very successful Ti-Contest first edition (17 candidates, only tennagers, only in Ti-Basic z80), you are all invited to participate, whatever you level is.
Be aware that even if the contest is in French, you can participate whereever you come from. The only prerequisite ? To have a TI calculator ! Good luck !

Noel Nadal.

On ça marche, merci!
La, depuis le jour ou j'ai publié, j'ai juste ajouté une petite transition ingame et un écran de quit.* Eiyeron découvre la joie d'axe fusion et de la compilation zoom!


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