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Je me demandais si la section fran

Je n'ai pas compris la plupart du vous avez dit. Mais, J'ai un question. Vous avez besion d'un clavier special por employer les caracteres francais? Ou est il des keystrokes special?

And since that was difficult enough to say I'll say this in english. I think having more french translated forums would be a good idea, since english isn't always everyone's first language.  

DJ Omnimaga:
yeah, actually you need a french keyboard to use accents, or go in char table in Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools->Char table and select char from here, which isn't really user friendly :P

Haha yea that isn't very user friendly, I'm actually surprised you could make out my French that well, I probably made a million mistakes with grammar/spelling.  

DJ Omnimaga:
Well, speaking french as native language and understanding a few english is prbly why i understood it well, even with mistakes ;)


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