Calculator Community > CaDan SHMUP

Yet another shooter

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A Cherry-Flavored Iambian draws near... what do you do? ...* Art_of_camelot casts thread bump!

Minor progress being made with the project. Reworked the player bullet routines to be easier to work with, so geekboy can work more on Nanami's shot type. I'm finally working on the resource handler routines. Might tweak the idea around to support internal garbage collection or something fancy like that. The thing is already getting pretty fancy.




Wait what ? -_o

Iambian posted ?

In CaDan thread ? O.O

HE'S RESUMING IT !!?? :w00t:
* Matrefeytontias organizes a rave party to celebrate the event

* Matrefeytontias and IkarugaX pokes Iambian and Geekboy1011
I like to think of IkarugaX as CaDan's little brother since that's CaDan which made me want to create it, it would be too bad if only one of the two came to fruitition ...

geekboy got me to work on this thing once again. It's still a monster that needs much more TLC than it's been given recently.

Because CaDan has been on such a long hiatus, I've completely forgotten what I've been working on and it's quite a nice thing to rummage through stacks of notebook paper trying to figure out what the last thing was.

As it turns out, it was a replacement garbage collector for the resource handler routines (went with that instead of script-managed memory) and a really fancy set of routines for scripted enemy movement. Absolutely none of which are in the codebase yet. But judging from the number of "Quality Assurance Dragons" drawn on the pages, I may have gone off the deep end more than once writing it.

Note: Geekboy wants a picture of said Quality Assurance Dragon(s)
EDIT: QAD attached.


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