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arm-elf-gcc Compiling error

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I have been trying to compile the demo program in the ndless directory as per the instructions in Dev.txt but I can't get it to work

When I navigate msys to the directory and type make it gives the error:

--- Code: ---arm-elf-gcc -mcpu=arm7dtmi - Os -Wall -W -fpic -fno-merge-constants -c -I../headers -D NON_CAS demo.c
make: arm-elf-gcc: Command not found
make: *** [demo.o] Error 127

--- End code ---

I have installed the yagarto toolchain and
--- Code: --- G:/Program Files/yagarto/bin
--- End code ---
--- Code: --- G:/Program Files/yagarto/
--- End code ---
is in the Path variable as well as this I also downloaded devkitARM and have put that into the Path variable as well.

How do i fix this?

Go to a command prompt and run arm-elf-gcc. Does it give you a Command Not Found error?

It doesn't work. it gives the command not found error

Edit: After some experimenting I found that yagarto no longer contains arm-elf-gcc but has arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.5.0 which works instead and arm-none-eabi-objcopy which works instead of arm-elf-objcopy.

Now I just need to get it to read MakeTNS as it says it isn't found

Alright.. I've finally got it to read all the files it needs to compile it but now it says

--- Code: ---$ make
arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.5.0 -mcpu=arm7tdmi - Os -Wall -W -fpic -fno-merge-constants
-T ../system/ldscript ../system/crt0.s test.o syscalls.o utils.o -o test.elf
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary test.elf test.bin
mkdri -p ../../res/CAS
../../tools/MakeTNS test.bin ../../res/CAS/test.tns
Failed !
rm -f test.bin test.elf

--- End code ---

How do I fix this??

You need arm-elf-gcc. Try downloading an older version of Yagarto (the version I have installed under WINE says 23.12.2009).


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