Calculator Community > Calculator C

Lists in C


Hi.  I am having trouble writing a program in C for the TI-89.  I am very new to the language and I still have a lot to learn.

In TI-Basic, I have programs that  can take a list, ex: {1,4,3,1,7,9}, and will retrive a certain element from the list.  For example, if I called for element number 2, the function would return 4.

Is there any way I can get the same feature in C.  Would I use "lists" like in TI-Basic, or is there a different method.  Also, I would have the lists pre-entered in the program.  The program would not have to add data to the lists.

Lets say I want a list of integers, length 6.
I'd declare it like so:

--- Code: ---int list[6] = {1, 4, 4, 1, 7, 9}
--- End code ---
and I'd access the 2nd element with:

--- Code: ---list[1]
--- End code ---
since arrays in C are indexed from 0.

I have another problem with lists in C.  How to I add strings to a list?  For example, I want the list

--- Code: ---testlist[4]={"Test","List","Hello","World"};
--- End code ---

How would I create this list.  I tried declaring it as a character:

--- Code: ---char testlist[4]={"Test","List","Hello","World"};
--- End code ---

but this did not work. What am I doing wrong?  Thanks again for your help! :)

char* testlist[4] is the declaration you need, I believe.


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