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Post your Nspire routines here!

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DJ Omnimaga:
Aaah ok good to hear, hoping you continue a bit afterward too (like some of us) even if not as often (I release new stuff like once a year) :P

Here's my common+.h The only difference for now is the keymappings, but I plan on adding touch support later, and maybe keypad detection.

Suggestions/Comments are appreciated, and I will likely change it for reasonable suggestions, especially bugs and key names.

To use as your common.h, just rename it to be so, removing the plus. Everything should work fine, just keep your regular common.h as a standby.

EDIT: Updated, removing + from 84 keymapping. now it's KEY_84_ENTER instead of KEY_84+_ENTER

DJ Omnimaga:
Basically, is it to make the Nspire keypad have a key layout similar to the 84+ one? I would like this so I don't have to constantly switch when Calc84maniac releases his emulators

I don't think its good style to use '+' in the key names. You should change them to just KEY_84_*.

Not quite what I was thinking, more that programs can support either without having to be reassembled. I'm thinking you'd have a few generic keys, like KEY_ENTER and KEY_UP, while if you need more controls you switch over to KEY_NSPIRE_THETA and so on. This would be the most helpful with the touchpad, since many keys are labeled the same. Using KEY_NSPIRE would require the Nspire Keypad, but it could support both the touch and the original, sans sin, cos, tan, and any other changes.

Can the touch's keypad support more than 16-directional input? I'm curious if it's really an upgrade, since the original keypad can only support that much.

I updated the Common+.h in my last post.


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