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Post your Nspire routines here!
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I have seen more than one post talking about writing some basic libraries for the Nspire, so I felt that it would be a good idea to start a thread to post any headers we have.
I will start with a modified utils.h/c that supports drawing pixels to a screen buffer. This should be useful for people doing graphics functions.
Right now we need:
-Program Loader
-Graphics: Triangles, dithering, filled circles, etc.
-Better Text I/O (I wrote some, but they are a bit weak)
-More OS symbols
-An implementation of the standard library (stdlib.h, stdio.h, etc) for easier porting.

EDIT 1: Attached a file Edit your Nspire code in this folder, and then type 'make' to build. It provides the minimal portion of Ndless required to write programs.
EDIT 2: Attached willrandship's modified common.h, with all the keycodes in it.
EDIT 3: Found a small bug in common.h.
EDIT 4: Latest
EDIT 5: Realized that MakeTNS is platform-dependent. skeleton is split into Linux and Windows versions.
EDIT 6: Attached a graphics.h/c, which is a not quite finished, but still useful, collection of graphics routines. Right now it contains fast circle and line routines, and some functional but slow rectangle and sprite routines.

EDIT 7: common-fixed.h and are now unnecessary. They have been integrated into the files, so don't bother downloading them. graphics.h/c are still separate for now, and will be until they are finished.

EDIT 8: Updated graphics.c/h to graphics2.c/h. This one contains a much better sprite routine that uses proper memory-copying methods to draw the sprite. The sprite data format has changed, so if you have any old sprite data pass them to

--- Code: ---convsprite(char* sprite, char* result, int w, int h)

--- End code ---
Here, result is a buffer that is of size w * h / 2 used to hold the new data.
EDIT 9: apcalc found a small bug in common.h. Fixed!
EDIT 10: Fixed a nasty sprite() bug.
EDIT 11: and merged. I added a few text and string routines to it (string.h, screen.h) as well as dirlist.h, which lets you list the files in a given directory. Yes, I know this violates EDIT 1, which states that is minimal, but being able to draw text is too useful. Also, common-fixed.h and have disappeared.
EDIT 12: added a function filesize(char* path) to utils.h. Pass it the path to a file and it returns its size.
Here is the current state of the routines I have, I will continue to update these:

Ok... The alphabet routines are set up except I haven't had a chance to write the code for actually drawing the letters
(I know that A has code in it but it draws an incomplete hourglass as I was just testing if I could get it to work)

The Drawing routines only contain a square, rectangle and 4 directional line drawer, I will add the triangle and circle later
(The circle is throwing up a bunch of weird errors right now)

Note: The length of strings is currently set to 1 (ie only 1 letter, this can be changed in alphabet.c line 56) as I can't use strlen() without it causing problems with malloc (more precisely sizeof) and spaces as I am temporarily using them to terminate the for loop.

I also attacked my common.h header as it has an extra 15 or so controls already put in

This will help those wanting to add new keys (thanks for the link bwang):
bit 0 to 10 =  1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 40, 80, 100 , 200 , 400 if you are a bit confused on that part
Interesting...the nspire has an 8-directional Dpad, so up to 16 directions. Not too shabby!

I was thinking about making a non-specific keypad library, that would detect what keypad you have (anyone know the bit that determines this? It's a hardware thing running to one of the keypads, I'll bet) and then substitute keypad commands and such, so touch, 84+ and regular nspire could all be run with the same header.
DJ Omnimaga:

--- Quote from: bwang on May 16, 2010, 10:30:56 pm ---Also, this forum needs to be updated to support .c and .h attachments.

--- End quote ---
yoshi13: Why are you allocating your integers with malloc()? You can just declare them as, for example, int i.
malloc() is for arrays and such.
Also, you probably want to draw your characters the same way you'd draw sprites. Make an array of pointers to int, with each element being a pointer to the first element of an array containing data for the character. Then to draw a character ch, simply call sprite_routine(char_data[ch]).
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