Calculator Community > Calculator C

What C commands are not supported?

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I was just wondering, as someone mentioned that some of them do not work compared to x86 C.

Also, is there anything special I need to know about creating Nspire C programs? I've got Yagarto with Eclipse (on-site tutorial, I used the old version so it is the arm-elf-gcc one, not arm-gcc-eabi or whatever)

I read something in the ndless readme about independent variables and executables need to start with PRG/0. Can someone elaborate on those?

I've never worked with C before, but I've worked with Processing, which is C-like structure, I believe.

Thanks for all the help! I couldn't do it without your help!

If you read on it says that MakeTNS is used to add this to binary files. So when you compile it calls MakeTNS and adds the header while changing it into a .tns file readable by the calculator.

I think you can also just add this
--- Code: --- asm(".string \"PRG\"\n");
--- End code ---
to the top of your file just below the included headers as shown in the demo program.

It is best to start your coding by editing the demo. If you just change the contents of main(), everything should work.
All the built-in C commands (loops, control flow) are supported.
Most of the standard library is not. Look at headers/os_*.h to see what is supported (* depends on whether you are coding for the CAS or non-CAS).

OK, thanks! So, just to check:
If, then, function loops, while, for, that stuff is supported, but

Disp, PrintL, Print, Input-ish commands are not, as they're hardware specific.

Does that sound about right? Thanks for the help!

Yes. That is correct.


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