Calculator Community > Casio PRIZM

Casio Prizm: Snake Game

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---Updated With Newer Version---
As many know the Casio Prizm recently came out. Unfortunatley the BASIC drawing commands can be quite slow. Last week I experimented with a simple snake game, but it was really slow and took forever to play. Working on some optimization I found a new way to draw with lines instead of pixels to allow the game to run much faster. Attached you will find the program. Please comment on what you like, what you don't like and any glitches.

Just tried it. Pretty nice!

Now I just have to examine your source.

For anyone who wants to view the source for optimizations and glitches I'm posting it here in txt format using the OS's handy program to txt function.  ;)

Edit: the program is uncommented so a few commands might seem a little strange.

DJ Omnimaga:
Cool, gonna try it on my calc now.

EDIT: That looks nice actually. I think it definitively needs to have stuff you must eat on your way or a goal, though, so you don't just move around. Nice start, though. :)

I'll try to expand on this game as much as I can without slowing it down. I already have an idea to add goals without slowing down the game. I wish though I could make the menu faster. Of course I could just use the default menu, but that wouldn't look as nice.

New update: Right now I'm at school, but once I get home I will post the new version which features targets to hit for points.


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