Calculator Community > Casio PRIZM

MLC being developed for fx-9860G

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I just wanted to inform you that a MLC interpreter is being developed for the CASIO fx-9860G. Maybe this is the opportunity to connect the link between CASIO and TI community again.

I'm sticking with the for now. huhn_m (who works on the MLC AFX) will help me take it to the MLC2 syntax described in the PDF in this

You can always check on the MLC fx-9860G progress here:

I've started a SourceForge page in order to help maintain and track changes or modifications in the source code through a repository through maybe CVS or SVN: If you like, maybe perhaps we could share the SourceForge space. It might make it easier to help people get the latest news, updates and downloads on different MLC interpreters.

DJ Omnimaga:
that would be cool if MLC Casio and TI reunited again! Is the AFX version still developped btw? I hope so because there was lot of games for it alerady


This sounds interesting. %)

Well looks like I gotta get to work again...this is great news! I think I saw you talking about this on casiocalc. But you were just starting when I left on vacation.

does this mean the 83+ version isn't dead Madskillz?


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