Calculator Community > Casio Calculators

Casio Prizm - Kind of hiring patient person

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Golpat, is that a dictionary? If that is python, I am not aware of what that is. Also, I'm very happy that you made it ;D I have to know what that is to use it.


--- Quote from: ScoutDavid on January 15, 2011, 04:32:07 pm ---Golpat, is that a dictionary? If that is python, I am not aware of what that is. Also, I'm very happy that you made it ;D I have to know what that is to use it.

--- End quote ---

It's just a list of 2-entry tuples. I used zip to turn it inside out and get two large lists.

edit: forgot they're called lists in python, not "arrays"

Well, looks like Goplat handled it. Yes, as Graph said, we're he's working on a project called PrizmSuite, which will include a disassembler.

Here is a command line SH3 disassember in python I wrote in just a little over a day.
It may have a few mistakes, but its a start.

--- Code: ---c:\> Geometry.g3a  7000 7020 > Geometry.S

c:\> type Geometry.S
00007000: MOV.L R14,@-R15
00007002: STS.L PR,@-R15
00007004: ADD $FC,R15
00007006: MOV.L R4,@R15
00007008: MOV.L @($07*4+PC),R3 = 6563D705
0000700A: JSR @R3
0000700C: MOV R5, R14
0000700E: MOV.L @($07*4+PC),R1 = 64F27F04
00007010: MOV $01, R6
00007012: MOV $00, R4
00007014: JSR @R1

--- End code ---

Well, here's the disassembly done by hand for comparison:

--- Code: ---MOV.L R14,@–R15
STS.L PR,@–R15
MOV.L R4,@R15
MOV.L @($07*4+PC),R3
MOV R14, R5
--- End code ---

EDIT: Oops. Your disassembler is better than I am  :P

I accidentally got MOV R14, R5 instead of the correct MOV R5, R14

Double Edit: Can you get it to write the output to a text file? It's not very easy to read when it's scrolling.


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