Calculator Community > Casio Calculators

Online Prizm Hex Table

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This table was originally made by Qwerty.55. I first converted it to Excel (attached) and then to HTML.

I host it here at the moment:

I spent the last couple of hours making that plain ASCII table Excel and then HTML.

Hope you like it.

Warning: This has to be uploaded many times, so you'd better be prepared to help me update it.

Also Qwerty, if you have Excel, please try to update it in the Excel file too, to be easier for me.

Why does it have to be uploaded more than once or twice? I'll be glad to help, but I'm just curious as to why.

I meant, updated many times, since it has almost no comments for example.

If you send me the HTML, I can edit the comments in and send the whole thing back for one big upload.

Just go to my page and press Ctrl+U. There you go.


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