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[ENDED] Code Golf Contest #13: A Picture's Worth 140 Chars

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Challenge 13: A Picture's Worth 140 Characters


Twitter has just disabled their picture upload system! You accept the change, but still want to tweet pictures to everyone. But how are you going to do that? By image compression, of course!

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to write two programs (both counting towards your size): one that takes a .png file as input and outputs a compressed version in a string that is 140 characters or less, and one that takes that string and converts it back to a .png file. The converted image must at least be recognizable. You may use any character set, so long as it can be tweeted. Test images will be uploaded later.

October 26, 2014, 1:00 AM EST

If any further clarification is needed, contact me. I will try to make you get the picture. :P

Language Ranking

Hmm. Something that compresses a whole image to 140 bytes. Unless your image is small that might be impossible.


--- Quote from: Juju on October 12, 2014, 12:14:49 pm ---Hmm. Something that compresses a whole image to 140 bytes. Unless your image is small that might be impossible.

--- End quote ---
Umm...Actually, we're not compressing a whole image. You can reduce the quality before compressing. :P Or turn it into polygon shapes. :P

That pun, though ;D

In all seriousness, I think this will be a challenge in C, but not so much in Java. Time to gogogogogo!


Remember, you can lower the quality of the image, use CJK and emoji, etc.


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