Calculator Community > Community Contests

[ENDED] Code Golf - The Reboot #1

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Hello ladies and gents, welcome to Code Golf! As you probably noticed, I am not JWinslow23 because my name is pimathbrainiac. For those of you who don't know what Code Golf is, I'll tell you. You must write a program in any programming language and make the source as few bytes as possible. There are some rules that you must follow each week.

All programs and source files must be submitted to me via PM by midnight Sunday. Winners will be announced Saturday afternoon, and new challenges appear on Monday.
The program outputs must follow the proper formatting as stated in the week's challenge.
All of your source must be in a single source file. Using certain command-line options to compile code not in your source file is cheating.
Esolangs are okay, but the source must be text.
No drag-and-drop languages, since those can't be counted the same way.

Without further ado: This weeks challenge! (inspired by this challenge, but with a critical twist).

Challenge #1: Counting Code
Write a program that counts the number of occurrences of each unique character in your code and outputs a list of the number of occurrences of each unique character.
No extra white space, with the exception of an optional newline at the end of the program.
The characters listed must be in one of two orders. Either the order of character values in the character encoding used by your language (probably ASCII), or the order the characters appear in your source.
Your program must read its source file.

The hypothetical program
--- Code: ---{omnimaga};
--- End code ---
should produce one of the following outputs:

--- Code: ---; 1
a 2
g 1
i 1
m 2
n 1
o 1
{ 1
} 1
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---{ 1
o 1
m 2
n 1
i 1
a 2
g 1
} 1
; 1
--- End code ---

Good luck, and make each character count.

1) @Levak - 36 Bytes (Bash)
2) @Juju - 44 Bytes (Bash)
3) @Adriweb - 53 Bytes (Bash)
4) Cumred_Snektron - 62 Bytes (Python)
4) @Ikj - 62 Bytes (Python)
6) @Sorunome - 73 Bytes (PHP)
7) @Ivoah - 77 Bytes (Python)
8 ) DarkestEx/muessigb - 78 Bytes (PHP)
9) @Juju - 84 Bytes (Ruby)
10) @Juju - 86 Bytes (Python2)
11) DarkestEx/muessigb - 126 Bytes (html/JavaScript)
12) @Scipi - 157 Bytes (C++)

Language Ranking
1) Bash - 36 Bytes
2) Python - 62 Bytes
3) PHP - 73 Bytes
4) Ruby - 84 Bytes
5) html/JS - 126 Bytes
6) C++ - 157 Bytes

Here we go, top three entries and top entry in the top three languages:


--- Code: ---history 1|grep -o .|sort|uniq -c|rev
--- End code ---


--- Code: ---grep -o . a|sort|uniq -c|awk '{print $2,$1}'
--- End code ---


--- Code: ---sed 's/\(.\)/\1\'$'\n/g' $0|sort|uniq -c|rev|sed '1d'
--- End code ---

Tie for Python:

--- Code: ---d=open("c").read()
for c in list(set(d)):   print c, d.count(c)
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---f=open('a').read()
for i in sorted(set(f)):print(i,f.count(i))
--- End code ---


--- Code: ---<?foreach(count_chars(@file(b)[0])as$i=>$n)if($n>0)echo chr($i)." $n\n";
--- End code ---

Congrats guys!

Now, we had someone among us who requested not to be listed as a competitor, but his code was the smallest. At 15 Bytes in Pyth, Runer112 had the smallest valid solution, but is not in the competitive group, so the standings above are it.

--- Code: ---FNS{Ks'Gs[Nd/KN
--- End code ---

That's it! I'll post another one later today!

How is the input read in? Just declaring a variable? File input?

The input is the source code of the program, so there is no typed/formatted input this time.

108 bytes in PHP, let's see if i can get that smaller!
EDIT: 106 bytes!
EDIT2: more like 88 bytes :3

Done in python with 87 bytes
:P Sorunome

EDIT: 81 77 bytes


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