Calculator Community > Community Contests

The Omnimaga Obfuscated Code Contest (OOCC)

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I know you guys love to write code nobody understands, especially in Axe, so why not a contest about that? You guys probably know the IOCCC, the International Obfuscated C Code Contest, this is my take on it.

The rules:

* The code can be written in any language (preferably should run on a calculator or on my Linux computer), esoteric languages that obfuscate code by their nature (such as Brainfuck or Malbolge) are discouraged (although I'd like if you would write something in Malbolge xD). There is two categories, Calc Languages (TI-BASIC, Axe Parser, Grammer, z80 asm, Casio Basic, HP-PPL, etc. C (and probably Lua, this is debatable) will be considered in Other Languages) and Other Languages. The categories are at best informal and are made to facilitate judging for those who wants to enter and judge at the same time.
* The code should show abuse of the language you chose, that is, stuff you thought couldn't be done or shouldn't be done, unreadable or misleading code, or just extraordinarly messy code. It should preferably be a single file of less than 4096 bytes, althought it's not a hard rule.
* The entries must be sent by PM to me before September 9th, 23:59:59 EST. The PM should include the source code (either in a [code] block or as a zip/tarball attachment), the name of the programming language (along with any special info on making it run, if applicable), a description of what the code does, how it works, its expected input and output and why and how its code abuses the language (that is, a README), sample input files if applicable and if it's an improvment over a previous entry, if applicable. You can enter as much times as you want.
* All the usual rules about plagiarism applies (the code must be written by you, not be started before the beginning of the contest, no sharing before the contest ends, etc.)
* On September 10th, the entries will be judged by a panel of judges and the results will be published later with various prizes. You can apply to be judge on one or both categories by PM to me or on in this thread. To be fair, you shouldn't apply to judge your own entry.
* The rules can be slightly changed during the contest. This is not an official contest and the prizes have no value. Donations are welcome, though.
* Have fun!

I'll compete in computer langs and judge for calcs.

* pimathbrainiac begins writing really messy code.

Then you shall be judge. I'll pick the judges definitively at the end of the contest so you have time to decide whether you enter or you just judge. Also you should probably be rather good at programming and understand what's going on to judge.

Lol, so basically, we do whatever we want as long as it is unreadable ? I think the Axe category is doomed, every program from Runer does what he wants and is unreadable :P
I'll probably enter, depending on my progress on my other project :)

Awe, too bad that before the contest doesn't count :P
All my old code is a huge mess :P
e.g. I already tidied this up some, fail to understand it and just wrote the todo to re-write it XD


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