General Discussion > Computer Programming

Halifax's C tutorials

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I basically have this all written down in my notebook. Many study halls many... Anyways yeah so I am thinking of converting them to HTML with color-coding and everything. Anyone looking forward to this? It's about 100 pages I'm estimating. Once again many study halls and some help from some friends..... haha

One question. Where do I get something that can take a screenshot of CMD so I can take pictures of all of the sample programs.

well, i know i'm looking forward to this, i was going to learn C anyways, so it's good to know there will be a good tutorial out there. =)


URL to the tutorial table of contents. That link holds all the contents of the tutorial. After I am done with writing all of them into my computer(like 1 or 2 weeks) then I will begin writing my C++ tutorials. After that I will continue with writing my ASM tutorials. After that then I will be done. I would like to know if there are any tutorials you guys may want to see in the future like Ruby, Pascal, BASIC, something like that. Or maybe some OpenGL or DirectX tutorials(hint hint)


OpenGL tuts. There's plenty of DirectX ones, and DirectX sucks if you're a real programmer who doesn't like to take shortcuts that aren't really as fast...

After your type your source code, there's a program that will convert it to HTML for you. I believe it's called Doxygen??? (idk google it and see what comes up).


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