General Discussion > Computer Programming

Unnamed JRPG - For School Project

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Poll the masses time! This week I'm working on the design for the movement engine. I know it will be 2D and tilemap-based. I would like to know whether or not people like the screen being centered on the player (like pokemon), the screen being area-by area (like Zelda 1) and the player moving on the screen, or some sort of hybrid (like LoZ: The Minish Cap). Adding a poll.

Since this is a school project and you have limited time, I would suggest using whatever approach you think will be the simplest to implement. You don't want to get stuck on down the line trying to deal with debugging overly complicated code.

That's the thing though, it's not that difficult to change the way the camera moves :P I just need to create a plan for the engine this week, anyways.

I'd say centered then, but it really depends on how you want the game to feel.


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