
General Discussion => Technology and Development => Computer Projects and Ideas => Topic started by: patori on August 15, 2009, 02:30:34 pm

Title: [PC] Allegro-based MMORPG
Post by: patori on August 15, 2009, 02:30:34 pm
I'm currently working on a sprite based online RPG.

It's going to be throwback a bit; with SNES era style graphics.

It's main focus will be on jobs, people may change their jobs whenever. (probably with some limits, such as 5 minutes out of battle, etc.)

Characters, Jobs, Abilities, and equipment all will have levels.

So far with the game, i have animated, masked tilemapping systems, masked and animated character movement, object and enemy display.

The maps are animated, with 4 frames of animation each, per tile. Not all tiles are animated, obviously.

I've created a rudimentary update system, that downloads a text file with instructions to the program on how to update to a newer version over HTTP. News can be loaded the same way.

I haven't worked on multiple resolutions, so obviously it doesn't work with all computers currently.

There's a bunch of stuff, and a lot of thought put into it.

Basically, what I'm looking for is some support, and getting a small community together.

I don't think I'll need much help coding, I think I definitely will need some pixel art help.

Anyways, the current dev forum is here:

There's not a lot of content there, if you have a question let me know, or message me.

There are some tiny builds with only character movement and a layout together. Nothing major.

Thanks, and long time no see,

Title: Re: [PC] Allegro-based MMORPG
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on August 15, 2009, 06:22:31 pm
Wow, Patori, that's one nickname I haven't seen in a LONG while. Nice to see you still around the community again :)

I assume job system will be a bit like Final Fantasy V, right? I had a calculator RPG with similar job system in the works, back then, but I never finished it. I also like the SNES graphics idea. I always liked old skool stuff :D

I hope you finish this. Unfortunately, I can't help much, though, because I don't know much PC coding :(
Title: Re: [PC] Allegro-based MMORPG
Post by: necro on August 16, 2009, 06:18:05 pm
Just curious, are you making this a generic fantasy setting or something else (steampunk, sci-fi, etc.)
Title: Re: [PC] Allegro-based MMORPG
Post by: patori on August 17, 2009, 01:56:11 am
Generic Fantasy for now.

It might have a lot of steampunk elements, as ff6 is a major influence on it.
Title: Re: [PC] Allegro-based MMORPG
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on August 17, 2009, 02:47:10 am
Oh yes, FF6, my favourite FF game
Title: Re: [PC] Allegro-based MMORPG
Post by: patori on August 17, 2009, 12:50:34 pm
Yeah, I'm using Locke and Cyan as temporary placeholder characters.
Title: Re: [PC] Allegro-based MMORPG
Post by: 3.1415926535 on August 17, 2009, 06:51:53 pm
cool! this sounds nice!
Title: Re: [PC] Allegro-based MMORPG
Post by: necro on August 19, 2009, 07:36:50 am
Well, some thoughts:
Most rpgs are fantasy, and as its online there is likely less chance to create a compelling narrative so trying to get the game attention might be harder than if the theme were unusually cute, dark, etc. or some other genre that is less used. It also might be more tempting to copy content from other games which would make the game stand out even less.

The 5 types of armor is a lot, probably more than needed.  I would suggest having only a few equipment slots and making each equipment distinct rather than lots of small increments...Fable is a great and terrible example of this with its very basic weapons that come in two categories, which are fun and on the other end its ridiculous armoring system which has way too many items so none of them seemed interesting (usually you would just wear a full outfit to get a bonus for doing so rather than experiment with mixing armors to try to get maximize negligible effects from certain pieces of armor)

Small balanced differences in things are often less fun than unique, distinct and possibly combinable effects.  A good rpg should provide compelling, interesting options in order to be fun.  As an example, imagine going into town and having a sword with 64 damage, 55 hit, and 59 skill; another sword with 94 damage, 55 hit, and 67 skill; an axe with 100 damage, 35 hit, 44 skill, etc...or a sword that deals 5 damage and doubles your hit, an axe that does 15 damage, and a 4 damage knife that has a nasty poison and doubles your sneak attack damage.

Another example is the Legend of Zelda, where what items existed in multiple forms multiplied in power.  (Almost) Every item was useful and interesting, those items the were not were exceptions to the rules the series had followed with items through most games (twilight princess is a great example of how to screw up, with lots of useless and boring items like the horse call, the magic armor, the walking and water bombs, the dominion rod (which is used only in the level its found in), etc))
Title: Re: [PC] Allegro-based MMORPG
Post by: patori on September 02, 2009, 02:52:27 am Latest Windows Binary
Title: Re: [PC] Allegro-based MMORPG
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on September 02, 2009, 06:47:06 pm
This application could not start because alleg42.dll cannot be found. The reinstalling of this application could maybe fix this problem.

This is an error message I got after actually installing and reinstalling.
Title: Re: [PC] Allegro-based MMORPG
Post by: patori on September 03, 2009, 05:49:34 am
This application could not start because alleg42.dll cannot be found. The reinstalling of this application could maybe fix this problem.

This is an error message I got after actually installing and reinstalling.

Should be working now. Sorry about that.
Title: Re: [PC] Allegro-based MMORPG
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on September 03, 2009, 11:13:57 am
Thanks for updating file ^^