General Discussion > Computer Projects and Ideas

Another PC RPG...

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Master Jc:
Okay, I just realize how much I screwed up RPG Maker 2000.  I put in some files the wrong way and now the default music files are kinda sorta screwed up and it won't play on other people's stuff most probably.  So after some consideration, I trashed my previous project.  But just to be nice, I started another similar one, based off of some short stories that I wrote.   You can read them here:

Anyways, for the people who DIDN'T read them, the game follows the adventures of a green-haired, pointy-eared, attractive young woman named Esther who breaks out of a laboratory.  Unlike the stories I've written, the setting will be in some sort of freakish alternate world where there are monsters and magic and stuff so they make sense with the resources I have.  

The battle system will be one much like Final Fantasy IV, with little time meters.  There are some interesting-looking battle sprites to go along with it.  My sprite is pretty darn cool.

Unfortunately, I have no screenshots yet.  I'm not at home, and I'm still working out some stuff.  Maybe I'll make a playable demo when I get the chance.

I'm just glad that I'm actually doing something right now.  :D

DJ Omnimaga:
nice to see you are still working on that RPG maker project even if its a new one, I hope its gonna be finished :)

Master Jc:
Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm using RPG Maker 2003 this time.  Since I really don't have anything planned out for the plot after a certain point, there's a decent chance that I could finish it.

DJ Omnimaga:
moved here, btw do u have a game title so I can rename this forum?

Master Jc:
Sure.  "The Untouched Soul."  Thanks for the forum!


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