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Gateway to Legend

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While I'm doing background work on the engine (mainly adding features to the Toolchain and adding the last script into the game), I have been working on my related side-project, the GtL webpage. Meant to be a source of information, documentation, and a collection of links, I had a bright idea: why not host map-packs online? So, I set out to working with Firebase to implement this. As I didn't post anything about this along the way, I'll instead recap and explain some Discord announcements and posts I sent to my GtL Discord. Click the link to join if you're interested!

--- Quote ---So my project has started to take shape, and I've made this website:
It adds rudimentary map-pack upload and download support. It will support a download counter as well as a like button. Once I actually release Gateway, I imagine this will be used a lot more, but for now we have this

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My first announcement of the site. It had just launched with bare-bones upload/download support. It had a dummy download and like counter. No way to post map-packs with a certain type, description, or even see the profile picture of the person who uploaded it.

--- Quote ---I've added the second-to-last script type editor, the one for the BossActions script! Now you can fully script bosses. Related to that, I changed the format of the BossActions script so now, it uses coordinates instead of X/Y velocities. I also revamped text input (and more noticeably, the Change FPS setting) to add just numerical input!

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Today, I got back to working on the actual game and added editing to BossActions. BossActions has been functional for months, but I've been putting off creating the editor, since there were so many parts to it. I had to have the player choose what tiles the boss is, how much HP, and then figure out a way to have them define a variable amount of points for the boss to move to. However, I finally put that task to bed. Just one more script to create, and then that should be totally done! Also, I added an input method just for numbers, so you can't try to break the system by inputting text in a number-only input.

--- Quote ---Since I'm feeling productive today, I also updated the map-pack webpage. Now, the Download (now View) button for each listing on the Download Map-Packs page redirects to the View page for each map-pack, where you can read about it, vote on it, and download it. I think I will add more such as an actual forum, as well
Ok last update (hopefully not for a while like it seems to be). I finally added the ability to like map-packs! The server keeps track of if you have liked or not, and will add or subtract a like depending on which you have done, when you press like. I'm gonna go ahead and style buttons tomorrow, as well as adding more information on the View page, such as likes and downloads. Perhaps I'll make a Comments field as well

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I just updated the map-pack webpage to add a lot more to the Download and View pages, as well as making some things auto-load. I still haven't decided what I want on the Index of the page. Most likely a search function and featured map-packs. As you see, I am also debating adding a comments field to map-pack uploads, and adding a full forum! I think it's within my scope, although hopefully it won't become super popular, or my Firebase plan won't be able to handle the traffic!


I've added all script types! The one showed off most prominently (and probably a little too much for the final version of that map-pack) is the Animation script! Once the user walks into the trigger area, a sprite will move around onscreen in a pre-determined fashion. According to the map-pack creator, the sprite can initiate a text box after it's done moving, stay onscreen until another is activated, and more.

As well, this marks the first public beta release. I have gone ahead and added it to my Github releases here:

This script type also has its editor implemented, meaning all map-pack features planned are now implemented! Some other things are not finished yet, though. As to be expected from a beta release. However, I have more done than I actually have realized up until now, so I'm looking forward to releasing, hopefully within the next couple of months. It could be sooner, or possibly later, though.


v0.10.0b has been released! The secend public beta release comes with some new stuff. I've added a transition screen between the main menu and playing a map-pack. I've also added proper death handling, including a Game Over menu and relevant options. Menus have received proper click support, so clicking on options will now activate, scroll, etc. as they should. One new event tile has been implemented: the Boss Door! The boss door will open automatically when the boss on that screen is defeated and remain permanently open. As a result, event tile maps have been shifted down by one to add this tile next to the other door tiles. This means maps made before this change will most likely have wrong tiles in place of spikes, gateways, and enemies, as well as a few other tiles.

Video showing off the most recent progress!

Coming soon: Abilites!

The ability I've had implemented for a while and shown off a little bit is the Dash. Double-tap any arrow key to dash in that direction! Perfect for fast movement, dodging, and more!

In the next build, these two will be implemented. First is the Spin. Just like Zelda, it is a 360 degree slashing spin attack! Perfect for when you're surrounded.

The last ability I have fully implemented is the Illusion. Leave behind a fake copy of yourself and disappear to enemies, even becoming invulnerable for a short time! Perfect for getaways.

Version 0.11.0b is now out! Lots of new things have been implemented, buggy or confusing behavior has been fixed, and I finally added enemies the transition screens (Although I may not have shown it off fully)!
Download the new release here:

Spoiler For Patch Notes: * Added three new abilities: Spin, Illusion, and Laser. One more is planned, but I don't see why I can't add more if I find more than one good ability to add.
* Added enemies' proper positions to transition screens (scrolling, Gateway animation)
* Changed pathfinding of Enemy 2 (ghost enemy) to move in a straight-ish line directly towards the player
* Updated water sprite in default tileset.
* Added mouse support to volume changing and different toolchain menus.
* Menus now show which item you are about to select with your mouse
* Added the Settings menu to the Overworld pause menu.
* Added and fixed more maps.
* Fixed bug: Boss action editing and animation editing would display movement patterns inaccurately mostly
* Fixed Linux bug: After the movement part of an Animation script has completed, the game would crash.
* Tweaked the toolchain a bit.


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