
General Discussion => Technology and Development => Computer Projects and Ideas => Topic started by: Juju on April 26, 2013, 06:01:32 pm

Title: Random Script Snippets
Post by: Juju on April 26, 2013, 06:01:32 pm
Post random interesting PHP, Python, Javascript or whatever piece of code here.

Code: [Select]
function uchr($u){return mb_convert_encoding(&#39;&#38;#&#39;.intval($u).&#39;;&#39;,&#39;UTF-8&#39;,&#39;HTML-ENTITIES&#39;);}
$text trim($argv[1],"\0..\x2f\x3a..\x40\x47..\x60\x67..\xff");
$char = Array(uchr(0x2000),uchr(0x2597),uchr(0x2596),uchr(0x2584),
$byte hexdec(substr($text,$i,2));
$byte2 hexdec(substr($text,$i+2,2));

Input: An 8x8 Axe sprite
Output: The sprite drawn using 4x4 characters.
Code: [Select]
[julien@haruhi ~]$ php axesprite.php [AA55AA55aa55aa55]
Why it's interesting: It uses bitwise operations! Also 4 pixels in a single character.

EDIT: Ignore the &#38; at line 2 it's supposed to be a &.
Title: Re: Random Script Snippets
Post by: aeTIos on April 27, 2013, 12:10:44 am
Lol, nice one. Will post one myself soon.
Title: Re: Random Script Snippets
Post by: Juju on May 09, 2013, 01:31:12 pm
Code: [Select]
$num="1"," ";
$num[$i] != (isset($num[$i+1])?$num[$i+1]:""))
$newnum .= $c.$num[$i];
$num=$newnum," ";
$out ob_get_contents();
str_replace(Array("1""2""3"" "),
chr(27)."[0m "),
chunk_split($outtrim(`tput cols`), chr(27)."[0m\n"));

This one, running from CLI, makes use of output buffers to add some pretty colors :) Takes one parameter, its the number of numbers to generate.

Title: Re: Random Script Snippets
Post by: Joshuasm32 on May 09, 2013, 07:01:17 pm
Ahhhh...  My eyes are burning...   *.*  Colors!
Title: Re: Random Script Snippets
Post by: ben_g on May 10, 2013, 12:09:12 pm
Input: An 8x8 Axe sprite
Output: The sprite drawn using 4x4 characters.
Code: [Select]
[julien@haruhi ~]$ php axesprite.php [AA55AA55aa55aa55]
Why it's interesting: It uses bitwise operations! Also 4 pixels in a single character.

EDIT: Ignore the &#38; at line 2 it's supposed to be a &.
The 'sprite' doesn't look like a sprite to me. It just looks like 16 squares, in a square.
Title: Re: Random Script Snippets
Post by: Juju on May 10, 2013, 12:12:28 pm
Input: An 8x8 Axe sprite
Output: The sprite drawn using 4x4 characters.
Code: [Select]
[julien@haruhi ~]$ php axesprite.php [AA55AA55aa55aa55]
Why it's interesting: It uses bitwise operations! Also 4 pixels in a single character.

EDIT: Ignore the &#38; at line 2 it's supposed to be a &.
The 'sprite' doesn't look like a sprite to me. It just looks like 16 squares, in a square.
You must lack the necessary fonts to show this character up. Which OS are you using? If Linux, try installing the Microsoft fonts, probably.
Title: Re: Random Script Snippets
Post by: ben_g on May 10, 2013, 12:16:17 pm
I'm using windows 7.

This is a screenshot of how it shows up to me:
Title: Re: Random Script Snippets
Post by: lkj on May 10, 2013, 12:55:53 pm
I'm also using Windows 7, but for me it shows up more or less correctly:
Title: Re: Random Script Snippets
Post by: Jim Bauwens on May 10, 2013, 01:26:08 pm
Here is something I did in my spare time in C#. It's not really a snippit, but fun anyway^^

Main.cs - Main program code
Code: [Select]
using System;

namespace Fractal
class MainClass

public static void TriLine(double distance, Turtle myTurtle)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;
if (distance < 1)
TriLine (distance/3, myTurtle);
myTurtle.Left (60);
TriLine (distance/3, myTurtle);
myTurtle.Right (120);
TriLine (distance/3, myTurtle);
myTurtle.Left (60);
TriLine (distance/3, myTurtle);

public static void Main (string[] args)
Console.WriteLine ("Press any key to start");
Console.ReadLine ();

Display myDisplay = new Display ();
Turtle myTurtle = new Turtle (myDisplay);

//myTurtle.HomeXPos = 10;
myTurtle.HomeYPos = 10;

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
TriLine(300, myTurtle);

myDisplay.UpdateDisplay ();


Turtle.cs - Turtle 'engine'
Code: [Select]
using System;

namespace Fractal
public class Turtle
public double XPos  {get; set;}
public double YPos  {get; set;}
public double Angle {get; set;}

public bool Pen {get; set;}

public double HomeXPos  {get; set;}
public double HomeYPos  {get; set;}

private Display myDisplay;

public Turtle(Display myDisplay)
XPos = 0;
YPos = 0;
Angle = 0;

Pen = true;

this.myDisplay = myDisplay;

HomeXPos = myDisplay.Width / 2;
HomeYPos = myDisplay.Height / 2;

public static double DegToRad(double deg)
return deg * Math.PI / 180;

public void Forward(double distance)
double oldX = XPos;
double oldY = YPos;
double angle = DegToRad(this.Angle);

YPos = oldY + distance * Math.Cos(angle);
XPos = oldX + distance * Math.Sin(angle);

if (Pen)
myDisplay.DrawLine (
(int) Math.Round(HomeYPos + oldY),
(int) Math.Round(HomeXPos + oldX),
(int) Math.Round(HomeYPos + YPos),
(int) Math.Round(HomeXPos + XPos)



public void Left(double angleDelta)
Angle -= angleDelta;

public void Right(double angleDelta)
Angle += angleDelta;

public override string ToString ()
return string.Format ("[Turtle: XPos={0}, YPos={1}, Angle={2}]", XPos, YPos, Angle);

Display.cs - Allows you to draw to your console
Code: [Select]
using System;

namespace Fractal
public class Display
public const string PIXEL_ON = "\u2588\u2588";
public const string PIXEL_OFF = "  ";
public const int PIXEL_CHARS = 2;

public int Height { get; set; }
public int Width { get; set; }

public bool[,] DisplayBuffer;

public Display()
SetDisplay ();

public void SetDisplay ()
Width = Console.BufferWidth / PIXEL_CHARS;
Height = Console.BufferHeight - 2;

DisplayBuffer = new bool[Height, Width];

for (int i = 0; i < DisplayBuffer.Length; i++) {
DisplayBuffer [(int) i/Width, i%Width] = false;


public void SetPixel (int y, int x, bool state)
if (x > 0 && y > 0 && x < Width && y < Height)
DisplayBuffer [y, x] = state;

public void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
int w = x2 - x1;
int h = y2 - y1;

int dx1 = 0, dy1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy2 = 0 ;

if (w<0) dx1 = -1 ; else if (w>0) dx1 = 1 ;
if (h<0) dy1 = -1 ; else if (h>0) dy1 = 1 ;
if (w<0) dx2 = -1 ; else if (w>0) dx2 = 1 ;

int longest  = Math.Abs(w) ;
int shortest = Math.Abs(h) ;

if (!(longest>shortest)) {
longest = Math.Abs(h) ;
shortest = Math.Abs(w) ;
if (h<0) dy2 = -1 ; else if (h>0) dy2 = 1 ;
dx2 = 0 ;           

int numerator = longest >> 1;

for (int i=0; i<=longest; i++) {
SetPixel(x1 , y1, true) ;
numerator += shortest ;
if (!(numerator<longest)) {
numerator -= longest ;
x1 += dx1 ;
y1 += dy1 ;
} else {
x1 += dx2 ;
y1 += dy2 ;

public void UpdateDisplay()
Console.SetCursorPosition (0, 0);

for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++) {
string pixel = DisplayBuffer[y, x] ? PIXEL_ON : PIXEL_OFF;
Console.Write (pixel);
Console.WriteLine ();


Now, here is what it looks like:
Of course, I set my terminal to have very very many rows and columns so I can simulate pixels. (however you can change the code to work on a 'lower' resolution)