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My choice would be an LCD monitor 'cause they're much easier on the eyes.

LCD for size, CRT for quality. Just my opinion.

DJ Omnimaga:
LCD for space it takes compared to CRT, the fact max size for CRT seems to be 19inch

It used to be CRT for quality, but now it's definitely LCD for both. LCD pwnz0rz.

@xlibman I have in fact seen a 21" CRT... it was monstrous

I myself still have a CRT, and it's ok... save for the random screen failures I am getting. ._.
CRTs do provide a better screen quality, but are bulky and heavy.
LCDs on the other hand are easier for the eyes and not as heavy and big, but only work good when set to max. resolution, else the OSD has to do interpolation. Which is crap.

So over all, I still like LCDs better. Must get one. Screen slowly failing. help my comp! ^^'


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