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Need computer help ASAP [FIXED]

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About 5-6 months ago, I bought my Windows 8.1 laptop. I have been very satisfied with it.

Yesterday, I thought explorer.exe crashed, the taskbar dissapeared.

I tried starting it with cmd.It did not start.

I restarted, after logging in I got a black screen, if I open task manager, I can open the file browser, cmd everything.

If I try to open PC Settings (The basic Windows 8 settings menu) I get this box.

Explorer.exe Error! Unidentified Class!

Please help.

Sounds like a virus.

Yes, that was my first thought, I am running my anti-virus.

Which one? MSE?

Your antivirus software might not find it.  (Every app that starts in windows 8 is supposed to be check by the antivirus software that you have set.)  If the virus could start and not be seen by the antivirus software the antivirus software might not define it as a virus or worse is not capable of functioning correctly due to the virus...

If your antivirus software cannot find it maybe you could try to use windows restore.  Maybe you could also start in safe mode.  Sorry I use linux not windows (for a reason).

Oh just one important thing.  If you can you should disconnect your computer from the internet, LAN, etc. You don't want you passwords and personal info to be given to some f***er or a worm virus to infect your other PC's on your network.


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