Calculator Community > Correlation

Correlation Beta Bug Reports

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If you find a bug while testing the beta of Correlation, please report it here.  I will fix it as soon as I can.

Goodness me, first bug report.  I forgot to add the ability to display numbers using ln( and e^( !  Such as ln(1,1,A.  I'd better fix that one.

Um, I tried using abs( and it is not working... Here is what I was doing:

--- Code: ---1:Asm(prgmCORELATE
Pause abs("12345",2,3

--- End code ---

Hmm...that's interesting, because I had the same problem with Disp abs("12345,2,3

But the bug is fixed.  I will upload a new file very shortly under the topic "Correlation Beta Builds."  For al  testers, please go to "Correlation Beta Builds" to pick up versions of Correlation with bug fixes.

Also, attached below is the source code for those who want it.  (Use the same password.) I apologize that it could be more organized and have more comments.

When I had my font archived, it says invalid font, unarchiving it works.


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