Calculator Community > Correlation

Correlation Beta Builds

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I fixed a bug with abs( where Str0-Str9 would not work properly.  There was also a bug where Pause and Disp didn't work with abs( and temporary strings.

DJ Omnimaga:
Should this be stickied by the way?

Bugs fixed:

* int("FF does not return a bad window error for thetastep unless a person is in Map Mode
* Minimum character for Word Wrap is now $29
* Archived fonts should work

Build 4.

Bugs Fixed:

* Correlation will now start with fullscreen settings unless asked otherwise.  This was a bug that did not show up on Wabbitemu.
* Correlation should now work on ALL Ti-84+ operating systems
* Fixed a Word Wrap error that was crashing the calculator

Known bugs yet to be fixed:

* Scrolling down in Word Wrap repeats lines rather than displaying new lines
* e^( and int( still don't work for displaying real numbers

Build 5.

Bugs Fixed:

* I'm pretty sure I fixed the Word Wrap Scrolling bug.  Tested on actual hardware.

Known bugs yet to be fixed:

* Still working on the e^(, ln( bug.  I won't mention it again because it's an easy fix, but I do have to get to it
* Not a bug, but support for lowercase letters has yet to be added


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