Calculator Community > Correlation

Correlation Screenshots

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This screenshot shows how Correlation helps you to find errors in your Ti-Basic program.  I started writing the code to let the user select what font to use.  In the case of this screenshot, the font is pgrmP.  However, pgrmP does not exist.

[a bit offtopic]

Finally, someone working on fonts for calculators, I'd like to see this in KnighOS or maybe in TIos already.

[/a bit offtopic]

Woah, nice safety mechanism, Hot_Dog. It's very intuitive ;)

Nice!  Great job! ;D

Deep Toaster:

--- Quote from: Hot_Dog on November 13, 2010, 01:08:24 pm ---This screenshot shows how Correlation helps you to find errors in your Ti-Basic program.  I started writing the code to let the user select what font to use.  In the case of this screenshot, the font is pgrmP.  However, pgrmP does not exist.

--- End quote ---

Nice! And as a side question, how are the fonts stored? Will they be compatible with the Omnicalc fonts?


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