Calculator Community > Cubes

Build 3 Preview: Editor + Scrolling Fix

(1/3) > >>

Will update this post later with downloads, screenshots and info.

Okay, everyone, so I know this project's been dormant for a long time. College apps and stuff have been preventing me from making any real progress on anything, and my calc projects were the first to get put on the back burner.

But last weekend, for one glorious day, I had absolutely nothing to do. I was completely free.

So, naturally, I set out to debug the monstrosity that is Cubes.

After about five hours, this happened.

Scrolling Fix + External Level Loading + Level Editing

And then this happened.

Level Creation

And then this happened.

Multi-Level Creation/Loading

I'm still working out the details of app signing, so I don't have a download yet available. Look at the pretty screenshots instead. ^^;

The actual details of the numerous glitches can mostly be traced back to sync problems. For instance, the scrolling glitch was caused by the tile-drawing subroutine, DT, using different values for the map offset than the rest of the scrolling routines. Specifically, those values never got updated at all, meaning that it wasn't properly redrawing the map.

I also had a rather embarrassing program hang that got caused, weirdly enough, by the grayscale calibration. The delay value got reset to zero somewhere in the level opening process, causing a Pause 0 to be executed and the program to stall forever. Good thing I caught that. ^^;

Basically, from this point forward, it's all UI tweaks. The editor needs some serious polishing, I'd like a way to add levels on-the-fly instead of specifying them within the set, and it goes without saying that the menu is just awful. Regardless, this is a major step forward for me and for Cubes, and I'm happy to be working on this project again!

Bump for screenies and info!

looks great.

Will the levels be harder than in build1? Those levels were a bit too easy.

Nice. BTW, is this axe? (I always assume that :|)


--- Quote from: ben_g on October 31, 2011, 02:59:06 pm ---looks great.

Will the levels be harder than in build1? Those levels were a bit too easy.

--- End quote ---
A lot of people disagree with you. :P Regardless, with the new capabilities of the engine (100 teleporters and arbitrary level size) I'll be sure to create some truly mind-breaking levels. Just for you. :)

--- Quote from: aeTIos on October 31, 2011, 03:20:09 pm ---Nice. BTW, is this axe? (I always assume that :|)

--- End quote ---
Yup. I'm not good enough to do this in ASM and definitely not good enough to do this in BASIC. :P


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