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All of my other projects, save composing for Tsukasa, are out of the way. I am now attempting to convert Cubes to an APP. Unfortunately, Axe 0.5.1 seems to break compilation even in normal mode: instead of fixing it, I'm downgrading to Axe 0.4.8 and resuming development. Hopefully I can get all the interface tweaks and error checks coded soon, and if I poke my level designer hard enough maybe he'll make some more levels. Basically, after four years of off-and-on development, spanning multiple languages and more than one name, the project is nearing completion. I'd like to thank everyone who's brought it this far: your kudos and suggestions helped keep me motivated to continue. So, without further ado, the features that will appear in the first full release:

TL:DR; It's almost finished, here's what's left:

New splash screen
Improved feedback during editing (current tile, flash matching teleporters) DONE!
Level and levelset descriptions

Bounds checking on level size
Level buffer creation (allows creators to surpass ~700-tile size limit)
Better handling when no levelsets are present/ DONE!


RLE compression for external levels (and the editor changes this entails)
APP conversion using an external buffer (which requires me to manually change roughly 150 offsets, ENGAGE RAGE MODE)
Better scrolling through levels in edit mode

DJ Omnimaga:
Sorry to hear about the APP issues. Could you report this to Quigibo if not done already?

ANd I'm glad this is progressing nicely. Don't worry if you don't get many replies, I'm sure some people are pretty busy with school but are still looking forward for this. I myself unfortunately haven't been active much compared to before, but that's another story (I'll probably post about it as soon as I feel like spending hours writing the huge wall of text about it). Regardless of if I don't check new posts, almost everyday I think "I hope he's not giving up on Cubes, I hope Ashbad isn't giving up on TanF, etc" because I am looking forward to play many of those games when I have time.

Good luck adding all those new features, and also remember to backup often.

So this will be an app, cool! However, I'm sorry that you're having issues with making it an app and getting your level designer to make some more levels. Hope this keeps progressing though :)


--- Quote from: DJ_O on April 29, 2011, 03:07:07 am ---Sorry to hear about the APP issues. Could you report this to Quigibo if not done already?

--- End quote ---
The issue came when I upgraded to 0.5.1 and tried to compile into ION, oddly enough. There was probably some kind of subtle syntax change, not to mention the standard Normal:Dispgraph:Full problems I had on menus (those made sense and would be easily fixed if I wan't cripplingly lazy).
Oh, and re "busy with school," AAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH ACT PREP NWANAA|ANUAENFASCJKSANUOIWSRPHGRW. I need a 33 to even have hopes of getting a scholarship with my GPA.

DJ Omnimaga:
Ouch, good luck with school X.x


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