Calculator Community > Doodle Jump

DoodleJump Discussion

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Current stable version: 1.0
last update: 9/11/2011

Featured power-ups  
Jetpack (Press 2nd to use. Used for reaching higher or preventing falling)
Spring Feet (Enables springed feet for 6 jumps)
+100 points (Gives 100 points)
SlowScroll (Makes doodler jump lower)
Arrow (Allows to jump higher)
Question Mark (provides random power-up)
Contrast Flip (Inverts colors on the screen)
Slow Motion (Slows the gameplay down for some time)

This game was developed by me, Mohammad Adib, when i was a freshmen in High School. Spending my time programming and messing around with my calculator in math class, I created this in order to challenge myself to take an idea and bring it to reality, which I (if i do say so myself) have successfully accomplished. This was my first programming experience, and i have since been learning more and more languages, and am wishing to pursue a carrier in Computer Science.

*Also: As far as i recall, the game also has sound effects which can be heard if headphones are plugged in.
Download Here:

I've also attached the source in a zip featuring a pdf with the code written out and the .8xp file and pictures in .8xi format.
*compiled with Axe 4.5 (newer ones not recommended for this game!)

Hello!  Welcome to Omnimaga.

You shouldn't worry about people stealing your program.  If somebody does do that, then the community tends to get VERY angry at them (and shun them, and ban them, and dislike them in every way...  Of course, looking at other people's code, and sharing ideas are highly encouraged.  The calculator community tends to be very open-source).  Of course, accusations of theft are equally disliked, which got a few people in trouble a while back when they got too paranoid.

1) If you don't like the idea of having to store x and y coordinates into two vars, you could just use modulus to combine them into one.  If I do this:
Then I could extract the x-intercept by doing 335^255 (which is 335 mod 255, which returns 80) and the y-intercept by doing 335/255 (which returns 1, because there are no decimals in Axe.)
So basically, to store coordinates into one number, X-intercept+(255+Y-intercept)->variable.

2) To do sound, use the Freq( command.  I don't know the exact numbers, but try experimenting with Freq(1250,(add any multiple of 1250 here)).  This should get you a sound that is relatively low.  (Of course, you need 2.5mm headphones to listen to sound with the calc...)

3a)  First, you don't really need decimals at all.  If I wanted to use decimals, I could just multiply the number by 100 (or better yet, 255), manipulate it, then divide it by 100 (or whatever you're inflating it with) when displaying on the screen (because a 64x96 screen is pretty inaccurate to begin with)
That being said, I'm not entirely certain how I would make a project follow a parabolic path, but I would try adding gravity, simulating how much power is in the projectile, and simulate real life.  You should probably ask Builderboy.  He's good with physics.

3b) Inflate all the numbers (let's pick an inflation number of 255, because it's cool), use the standard y=mx+b slope formula, find out what the next number is, then divide by 255 (or the inflation number) again.  Then use Pt-On (or whatever similar command)

4) Number^2
If this returns 1, it's odd.  If it returns 0, it's even.  (or perhaps its the other way around, but you should be able to figure it out)

Edit: Apologies if I didn't make much sense, or made mistakes - I'm a bit sleepy.

Thank you :)

You're welcome :)
Let us know if you have any other questions!  Hope your project works out!

so how does the example program from the axe app zip called AXESHIP have enemies shooting multiple bullets each? does he use a variable for each bullet...also how do i store stuff in lists obviously {1,2,3,4}->L1 will not work... im too lazy to decifer the code...who wrote it?


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