Calculator Community > Elimination Developers

If you're helping with Elimination, I recommend stopping temporarily


Thanks for everyone who's been helping with textures and levels in Elimination!

I'm going to keep this brief: Based on recent reviews and requests, Elimination might be taking a different approach.  Until I know what I'm going to be doing with the game, whether keep it the way it is or change it, I won't care if you decide to pause on the help you're offering me.  In fact, I recommend it.  I don't want any more of your work to go to waste  ;D

DJ Omnimaga:
Ah ok I see. Good luck with whatever you decide to change in the game. Hopefully it won't be too much hassle either x.x

Don't worry Hot_Dog. Just choose what is right for you, how you think the game should be developed. Sometimes it is a good thing to just stop and return later.


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