Calculator Community > Elimination

Would you enjoy playing Elimination in its current state?

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It was the grayscale that slowed it down.  B&W for Gemini requires the screen to be copied only once per loop, grayscale requires about 3.5-4 times per loop.

--- Quote ---People complaining about the small viewport in Gemini (which they rightfully did) isn't really reason enough to double pixels. Again, on a 96x64 screen, the spatial extent of every pixel counts so treat every pixel with love and cut the fancy additions and do 96 proper casts.
--- End quote ---

I know that now.  I have relatively little knowledge on raycasting, so I was hoping that making the screen bigger would be enjoyable enough for everyone, not just 50% of the people.  Whatever the case, you're talking to someone who's done very little research on raycasting ;D

I had trouble with telling where walls were at first but I quickly got used to that. My main complaint seeing the enemy sprites, I usually have to rely completely on the health bars for them.
A friend stumbled upon this gpl raycasting maze for the 83+ a while ago. I haven't had a look at the source though.


--- Quote from: Camdenmil on February 02, 2012, 10:19:19 pm ---I had trouble with telling where walls were at first but I quickly got used to that. My main complaint seeing the enemy sprites, I usually have to rely completely on the health bars for them.
A friend stumbled upon this gpl raycasting maze for the 83+ a while ago. I haven't had a look at the source though.

--- End quote ---

Builderboy suggested white outlines for enemies, which I think will be a help.

That other raycaster is amazing, and it would solve all my problems!  Unfortunately it's not as easy as simply "cut and paste," I'd have to do a lot of adjusting, just like with adjusting this game to make a better fullscreen.  But I thank you very much for bringing it to my attention, Camdenmil!


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