Calculator Community > Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth

Miscellaneous Lost Legends Stuff

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Hey everyone!

does anyone have a lot of experience with making GUIs in Java?  I want to write a map/tile set editor since CalcGS is a bit lacking imho in some places.

and if anybody wants any basic (+xlib) features, could you describe them and maybe I'll incorporate them too.  I might work on this after LL, or at the same time as LL to help expedite the development of LL2.


Radical Pi:
I don't know any Java (it's somewhere on my list of languages to learn, after 6502 assembly and Japanese :)), but as for features, it should at least have grayscale, flipping, and rotations. I'm not sure what else can be done or is worth including.

DJ Omnimaga:
4 level grayscale dithering would be cool. Kinda like in asm, but pre made, because it is a pain to manually dither 4 lv gs sprites and store each layers in pics

thanks, atm, I think i'll just finish LL.  comp dev can be confusing sometimes x.x

Coincidentally, I actually started working on a tile/map editor in Java some months ago.  I'll give you the source code once I get on the computer that it's stored on (I pretty much finished the layout of the GUI, but maps and tiles can't be edited yet).

Also, what IDE are you using for your Java programming?  If you're using NetBeans, I can give you the entire Netbeans project.


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