General Discussion > Gaming Discussion

Battlefield 2

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I was just wondering if anyone here played Battlefield 2 online?  If you do, post here and maybe we can hook up in a battle sometime.

You can also post here if you play at all with anything about the game.


ph34r it :ph43r:

Favorite haunts: the =GUN= clan server (based in the northwest US, so I get nice almost lanny ping) and the JP clan special forces server.

Engineers own all!

DJ Omnimaga:
nope I dont play, I am mostly playing starcraft

bcturk- what's your nick? What's your score per minute? I want to know if you beat my 1.80!

BCTurk, believe it or not.

I have about a 1.5 spm.  SpecOps is  me, but I command most of the time.  We should play together some time.  I play on pretty much any ranked server w/ punkbuster.  I look for servers with somewhere between 8-24 players on at that time.

If you were curious


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