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DS games

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DJ Omnimaga:
yeah it does, but at EB Games they have previously used DS (since they are new they arent used that much and they are repaired and inspected before being sold again) which cost less. I dont know how cost the 89 right now here, I know the 83+ costs $100 CAN at WalMart

Well, then I guess that things really do cost more in Ontario than in Quebec. Here a TI-83+ costs about $170 :-\

DJ Omnimaga:
you live in ontario?

ouch $170 for a 83+?  O_O Are you sure its the current price? Also from which store they sell for that price? I know radio shack sold 83+ for $159.99 (without taxes) here when I bought mine

I'm from Toronto. What about you?

Staples is the place I bought my 89T from, in August 2004. It cost $199, same as the 84+, with the 84+ SE costing $220 (or so I recall). The 83+ was around $170. I checked back a couple of months ago, and the 83+ had the same price tag.

Anywho, I will probably pay Staples a visit once again, just to have more fun buttoning the 84's for free.  :D

DJ Omnimaga:
I am from L


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