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Do you play it? Do you want to connect with others here who play it? Do you think it sucks? Talk about it here!

I've played it for on and off for about a year now. I can't quite remember, but I've either never spent a dime of real money on it or I spent like $5 once for some limited-time thing, so I'm fairly happy that I haven't fallen into the pay-to-win trap. I mainly play to complete daily quests and arenas, the gold from which fund packs or adventures. Between playing and watching lots of Hearthstone videos (mainly Trump), I think I'm actually pretty good now; top 25%, anyways.

Anyone want to let me spectate them to knock out the quest for a free pack? :) I've never been able to complete this because my friends list is very lonely... Would also be nice to have someone to chat or play casually with once in a while. My tag is Runer112#1930.
I've never played it, but isn't it an online TCG? Is it any good? How does it compare to other popular TCGs like MTG or Yu-gi-oh?
Yes, it's an online card game, made by Blizzard. I hesitate to call it a trading card game, though, because you can't actually trade cards.

At it's core, it's kind of a simplified (I'd argue in a good way) version of MTG. I've never played MTG, but I played Yu-Gi-Oh (not at any serious level) for years, and I find the rules and cards of Hearthstone make it a better game. It also helps that you always have someone to play against, and that you can opt out of the pay to win model by completing daily quests and/or doing well in the arena (randomized draft). It certainly takes a long time to collect a good enough base of cards to do well in constructed games if you don't buy packs with real money, but it's satisfying.
It sounds kinda fun, I may try it out when I'm bored! (Which happens to be a lot these days :P)
Cool, I'll give it a look.
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