Author Topic: [ATTENTION] [BUG] Mathematical Errors related to OS Switching to CAS on a CX  (Read 2350 times)

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Offline Zeklandia

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Apparently, when running the CAS OS on ANY NON-CAS CALCULATOR (regardless of CX) certain things do not work. For example, I made a simple Lua program to print 2+2. It prints 5.XXXXXXXXXXe-226 (or any other number similar to it) regardless of settings like Float number, angle unit (degree, radian), or auto vs. approximate answers. Which also explains why when I was playing CubeField, the highscore was also similar to 1.132458768087e+45 and Bloxorz was naming the levels in a similar manner (2.98721408137e-67 instead of 13). However, the Scratchpad and Math documents work fine. I do not know if the problem is caused by hardware differences between the CX and the CX CAS (I am using nLaunch to boot the CAS OS on my CX) or some ndless/Lua bug. This issue does not occur when using the CX OS 3.1 with ndless on the same calculator.
Linux, Android, Java, C/C++ Developer.