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Linking problems


Shazane Koronova:
Using TiLP, which appears to be the best thing available, with a SilverLink cable to link with a TI-86, I get one of these errors:

"Msg: Unable to open COM port.
Cause: Check that the device is not used/locked by another application (modem ?).
System: GetLastError = 6 -> The handle is invalid."


"Msg: No I/O resource available !
Cause: several ways. Check for:
- PortTalk device driver (parallel/serial cable under Win NT4/2000/XP)
- TiglUsb device driver (SilverLink)."

DJ Omnimaga:
hmmm I used to get this error a long while ago, back when I used school pc to get games, its the same than black link cable I have right now. Only solution I ever found is to get a new PC :(


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